Dr. Shruti Sharma is an Experienced Assistant Professor with a demonstrated history of working in education management. Skilled in Lecturing, counselling, Administration, Mentoring, and Management. Strong education professional with a Ph.D. in Management focused on Stress Management and Coping Skills from the University of Kota, Kota.Dr. Shruti Sharma is currently an Assistant Professor in the Faculty of School of Management, IMS Ghaziabad (University Courses Campus), India. Dr. Sharma has worked as an internal trainer and teacher in the management arena. Her doctorate degree is in Commerce & Management from the University of Kota, Kota Rajasthan and she completed her dissertation research on the topic of “Managing Stress to Improve Efficiency & Motivation: A Case Study on an Academic Performance of Coaching Faculties in Kota City”, She has two postgraduate degrees’ specialties-one in Business Administration (Masters of Commerce) and another is MBA in Marketing & HR. With over 8 years of academic experience under her belt, she brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to the table.
She has authored numerous research papers in highly respected international and national journals, showcasing her expertise in the field. Additionally, she has had the privilege of sharing her research findings at prestigious conferences worldwide. Her commitment to advancing knowledge is evident through her acquisition of numerous certifications in Marketing & Research from esteemed institutions. Professionally, she has consistently achieved remarkable milestones, demonstrating her exceptional track record and garnering recognition for her accomplishments.
- Certified by Google, Upgrade, HubSpot, Great Learning, for Retail Management skills.
- Certified by Coursera for Foundation of Digital Marketing and E-Commerce.
Achievements / Research Interest / Area of Research Interest Academic Distinction (Awards, Scholarships & Honors)
- Awarded Doctorate Degree by Govt. University of Kota, Kota Rajasthan on the topic “MANAGING STRESS TO IMPROVE EFFICIECY & MOTIVATION: A case study on an academic performance of coaching faculties in Kota city”, September 2019.
- Scoring Ist Position in 2ndSemester Examination of MBA,2009-2011.
- Scoring IInd Position in 3rdSemester Examination ofMBA, 2009-2011.
Area of Research Interests: Marketing & HR.
Intellectual Contribution (Publications)
- Journals Articles – Refereed
- Scholarly Books
- Chapters in Scholarly Books
1. Book chapter Published in the title of the book “DIGITAL MARKETING INSIGHTS” with the chapter title, “Untact” in Digital Retailing: A new Customer Service Strategy Serves as A Corporate Entry Point. ISBN No.978-93-94779-47-1. Publisher, Bharti Publications.
- Paper Presentation – Refereed (International & National Conferences):
- Paper presented titled “Human Values, Workplace Behaviour and Their Impact on Productivity” in national seminar on “Managing Business with human values challenges & measures” held on 24thmarch, 2018 at IPEM Ghaziabad.
- Paper presented titled “An analytical search on work life balance among working women’s personal life” in 2ndInternational conference on “Innovative research in science, technology and management” (IC-IRSTM-2019)
- Paper presented titled “Online education amid Covid-19 in the context of higher education India and future prospects” in International Conference “Building Resilience and sustainability for India for ever changing turbulent world- A vision for 2030” held 21stand 22nd April 2022 at IMS Ghaziabad (University Courses Campus).
- Paper presented titled “Digital Marketing: the impact of a new age tool for online business retailers.” in International Conference “Building Resilience and sustainability for India for ever changing turbulent world- A vision for 2030” held 21stand 22nd April 2022 at IMS Ghaziabad (University Courses Campus).
- Paper presented titled “The contribution of higher education to the realization of the SDGs” in the International Conference on “Sustainable and Innovative solutions for India @75: A journey towards Atmanirbhar Bharat” organized by Institute of Management studies Ghaziabad (University Courses Campus) on May 12th-13th, 2023.
- Participated in a conference workshop on “Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis” organized by IMS GHAZIABAD (UNIVERSITY COURSES CAMPUS), on 20thApril 2022.
- Research Publications (International & National Journals):
- Paper published in International Journal of Interdisciplinary Research and Innovations: Vol.6, Issue 3, pp: (199- 205), Month: July-September 2018, ISSN 2348-1218 (PRINT), ISSN 2348-1226(ONLINE) “Human Values, Workplace Behaviour and Their Impact on Productivity”
- Paper published in Journal of Engineering Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR): Vol.6, Issue 4, pp: (159- 166), Month: April 2019, ISSN2349-5162 “A Critical Analysis of Stress Faced by Teaching Professionals at Coaching Institutes in Kota City, With Special Reference to Role Stressors and Job Satisfaction”
- Paper published in International Journal of Innovations & Research Analysis (IJIRA) UGC (Peer Reviewed Refereed Quarterly Journal): 02, Issue no. 01, March, 2022, ISSN:2583-0259“An Analytical Search On Work Life Balance Among Working Women’s Personal Life”
- Paper published in International Journal of Education, Modern Management, Applied Science & Social Science (IJEMMASSS), UGC (Peer Reviewed Refereed Quarterly Journal: 04, Issue no. 02, Jun,2022,ISSN:2581-9925 “Antecedents Influencing the Brand Switching Behaviour Among Youth in Apparel Purchase”
- Patent Published in the title of invention “System and Method for Managing Supply Chain”. Application No.- 202311011931 A, date of publication-17/3/2023.
- Edited a book in July 2023 titled “Bridging the gaps through multidisciplinary studies” ISBN: 978-81-19477-16-6, Nex Gen Publications.
- Book Published in July 2023 titled “Human Resource management: Strategy for Success” ISBN:978-81-19070-94-7, DOI: 10.25215/8119070941, REDSHINE PUBLICATIONS.
- Other Professional Activities
- Achievements in Professional:
- Scored best teacher award in IPEM COLLEGE, GHAZIABAD
- Chairperson / Co-Chairperson in Conferences-
- Co-ordinating / Organizing/ Attended Conferences
- 2ND International Conference on “Innovative Research in Science, Technology, and Management” (IC-IRSTM- 2019) Participated Paper Titled “An Analytical Search of Work-Life Balance Among Working Women’s Personal Life”
- National seminar on “Managing Business with Human Values Challenges & Measures”, Organized by the Institute of Professional Excellence & Management in 2018, Participated Paper Titled “Human Values and Their Impact On Productivity”
- 3rd International conference on “Building Resilience and sustainability for India for ever-changing Turbulent World: A vision for 2030” organized by IMS GHAZIABAD UNIVERSITY COURSES CAMPUS, participated as a paper presenter on the title “Online Education Amid Covid-19 In The Context of Higher Education in India and Future Prospects” held on 21st- 22nd April 2022.
- 3rd International conference on “Building Resilience and sustainability for India for ever-changing Turbulent World: A vision for 2030” organized by IMS GHAZIABAD UNIVERSITY COURSES CAMPUS, participated as a paper presenter on the title “Digital Marketing: The Impact of a New Age Tool for Online Business Retailers” held on 21st- 22nd April 2022.
- Participated in a conference workshop on “Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis” organized by IMS GHAZIABAD UNIVERSITY COURSES CAMPUS, on 20th April 2022.
- Co-ordinating / Organizing/ Attended MDP
- Participated in 2 days MDP on “Enhancing Workplace Productivity through Neuro Linguistic programming and Emotional Intelligence” 25th - 26th May 2022 IPEM INSTITUTE, GHAZIABAD
- Co-ordinating / Organizing/ Attended FDP
- Participated in two weeks ‘FACULTY DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM ON ENTREPRENEURSHIP’ from 09 September 2013 to 20thSeptember 2013, Organized by Malaviya National Institute of Technology,Jaipur.
- Participated in 7 days FDP on “Recent Technological Trends in Science, Management and Technology”, 1st- 7th Feb 2022, IIMT UNIVERSITY MEERUT
- Participated in 7 days FDP on “Emerging and Innovative Approaches in Management, IT and Communication in Teaching and Research”, 9th – 15th June 2022, IIMT COLLEGE OF MANAGEMENT
- Participated in 5 days FDP on “Research Methodology: Tools and Techniques” 14th-18th Feb 2022 IMS Ghaziabad (University Courses Campas).
- Participated in the Webinar titled “Union Budget 2022-23: Analysis & Impact” held on 5th February 2022, Organized by Government College, Bundi Rajasthan.
- Participated in the Webinar titled “Union Budget 2022-23: Backdrop & Expectations” held on 29.01.2022, Organized by Government College, Bundi Rajasthan.
- Participated in the two weeks (5TH - 15THJULY, 2023)’ Faculty Development Programme on “Entrepreneurship” organized by Innovation and Incubation Center, BIT Sindari, Dhanbad.
- Participated in the 5 days (25th– 31st July, 2023) Faculty Development Programme on “Innovative tools in IT & Management discipline for enhancing education and research, organized by IIMT College of Management, in collaboration with Indian Economic Association and UPECA.
- Participated in the 5 days (31STJuly to 4 August 2023) Faculty Development Programme on “Outcome based Education: Learning and assessment under NEP 2020”, organized by IMS Ghaziabad (University Courses Campus).
- Co-ordinating / Organizing/ Attended Seminars
- 2NDInternational conference on “Innovative Research in Science, Technology and Management” (IC-IRSTM- 2019) Participated Paper Title “An Analytical Search of Work Life Balance Among Working Women’s Personal Life”
- National seminar on “Managing Business with Human Values Challenges & Measures”, Organized by Institute of Professional Excellence & Management in 2018, Participated Paper Title “Human Values and Their Impact On Productivity”
- Participated in the National Seminar under Joint Auspices of Career Point University & Indian Accounting Association, Kota on ‘Corporate Reporting in India’ held on 23rd
- Co-ordinating / Organizing/ Attended Workshops
- ParticipatedinAICTErecognizedShortTermCourseonINDUCTIONTRAININGPROGRAMMETHROUGHICT Organized by National Institute of Technical Teachers Training and Research Chandigarh.
- Participated in Workshop: Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis on 20th April 2022 Organized byIMS Ghaziabad (University Courses Campus)
- Invited to Keynote Address / Speakers:
- Invited as a Resource person in GNIOT College.