


DATE & DAY: 2nd Dec 2021, Thrusday

Speakers: Pratham Joshi

Organization: IMS Ghaziabad , University Courses Campus

Topic:Capture the flag

Event Timing: 02:30pm

Number of Students: 30

Venue: Lab 04






Institute of Management Studies, Ghaziabad
(University Courses Campus)

Summary of the Event:
The Network Club of IMS University Courses Campus had organised an insightful workshop followed by a competitive game on the 2nd of December 2021 on the engaging topic of hacking for all the hackers in the institute. The crowd was welcomed by the cheerful attitude and warm words Ms. Aastha and was then ushered to the basic introduction of the club and the formal meeting of all the new recruit members to the audience gathered, by Ms. Yachika the stage was hence passed from the initiators to all the program facilitators for their respective presentations. Moving further the club had Mr. Pratham who organised this entire event to come upon the stage and share with us all the basic knowledge and know-how of hacking and told us the importance of ethical hacking in the contemporary world.