


Workshop on LINUX

BIT department of IMS Ghaziabad University Courses Campus always bring a new height of technology for BCA students to survive in a competitive world. With this initiative, today a workshop was organised by Linux specialist Mr. Alok Srivastava, Mr. Jitendra Sisodia and Ms. Menta. But the whole workshop was taken by Mr. Alok Srivastava with the coordination of his team. Mr. Alok Srivastava has 15 years experience in Linux only. He interfaced the students with the real corporate world. He also told the exact norms of recruitment which the company wants. Through this workshop students got the chance to explore more about linux.
Best part of workshop is that he connected the technical life with the real life through which students easily understand the scope and application of Linux in today's era. Students also enjoyed the workshop and also became curious to learn more about Linux. Workshop was well organised by IMS Ghaziabad University Courses Campus in collaboration with Red Hat Academy.