

Sports Club Organized Badminton Competition

Campus Sports program is a great way to stay in shape, relieve stress, and make new friends! So On Nov 17th 2016 IMS, Ghaziabad, (University Courses Campus) Sports Club Under the guidance of Dr. Sapna Rakesh (Director IMSUC) organized a Badminton Competition for our students.

There was an overwhelming response from the students of all the departments around 100 Boys and Girls participated in the Competition.

The prizes were backed by Nitin Tomer(Winner), AyushVarshney (Runner up). PrachiTeotia (Winner), Kavya Agarwal (Runner up).

The event was formally inaugurated by Dr. Sapna Rakesh (Director IMSUC), Dr. Pooja Rastogi, Dean, Mr Uday Singhat Sports Officer, Mr. Santosh Shah, Dr. Shilpi Sarna , Mr. Surya Saxena and faculty members.

Sports Club