KreaNabo-The Buzz Communication Cell

Welcome to KreaNabo - The buzz communication cell
KreaNabo is a direct translation of ‘communication hub’ from English to Esperanto, the most widely spoken constructed international auxiliary language.

We are the coming together of several like minded individuals, carrying the vision of flawless communication amongst all, a journey that we aim to embark upon with everyone who wishes to join us.

With the blessings of our honorable Director Dr. Sapna Rakesh & under the aegis of Dr. Geeti Sharma, as a fire born phoenix, we would like to bellow our arrival for all to introduce you to the KreaNabo, the Buzz communication cell at IMSUC.

We shall work with all other bodies of IMSUC and other supportive organisations to better our and their abilities to infinity.

The cell once known as ‘Buzz Cell’ is reborn as ‘KreaNabo – The Buzz Communication Cell’, i.e. The hub of creation, where matter shall be created anew, where thoughts shall arise and be translated to feelings, where we shall tirelessly pursue and achieve greatness for all.

Objective of the cell
  • An objective is a statement of what we aim to accomplish.
  • The truth is we aim to accomplish everything, we aim to aid the holistic development of personality that we strive for.
  • In the simplest terms our objective is development of all, in any way possible.
  • The objective of the Cell isn't just to improve the viability of communication instead, additionally to upgrade the imagination and profitability of the students by providing them with various avenues to excel in life.
Mission Statement

We at KreaNabo state our mission as the development of everyone connected with us, primarily through our focus and quintessential targeting on the refinement of communication skills. We shall create an environment where opportunities are abundant, & A positive learning environment is prioritised to develop the right attitudes in life, encouraging fearlessness & self-awareness.

The mission of a KreaNabo - The Buzz Communication Cell is to give all possible opportunities and positive learning climate wherein each individual part has the occasion to develop their Communication style and initiative aptitudes, which thus encourage fearlessness and self-awareness.

Vision statement
  • To witness the creation of an environment where we can communicate amongst all with ease and adopt assertiveness within our attitude.
  • To be in the priority available for dynamic, high-esteem, experiential communication and initiative aptitudes advancement.
Value statement

The Core Value of Kreanbo- The Buzz Communication cell is trustworthiness, devotion to greatness, administration to the part, and regard for the person. The Cell will provide equal opportunity to each and every student of IMS Ghaziabad University Courses campus and doesn’t discriminate against any student on the basis of race, religion, age, ethnic or national origin, gender, physical ability, or sexual orientation.


The Core Value of Kreanbo- The Buzz Communication cell is trustworthiness, devotion to greatness, administration to the part, and regard for the person. The Cell will provide equal opportunity to each and every student of IMS Ghaziabad University Courses campus and doesn’t discriminate against any student on the basis of race, religion, age, ethnic or national origin, gender, physical ability, or sexual orientation.

For KreaNabo-The Buzz Communication Cell Activities - Click Here